Sunday, March 27, 2011

Date Smacker

Drum roll please. Give it up for the star of date smacker, Ashlyn Rouse. Me and Ashlyn just put this together, no reason but somehow it happened. It's a little stupid but i give it a three star. Enjoy!

My Birthday Party... Food Fight!

The eggs hurt like crazy and Micah went around slapping people with hot dogs but all in all we had an awesome time. Sorry I was a little late to post(since my birthday is in January) but luckily i got it done. Happy Late Birthday Blake!

I'm Getting a New Sister!

This is Brynn, my new sister! My parents are going to China on April 1, this Friday! I am so excited. I don't know if you can tell in the pictures but Brynn has bilateral cleft lip and cleft pallet. It's sad but I can't wait to see her. I'll keep you updated.


I know it's stupid but we were just messin around!

We Killed Harrison!!! (The Potato)

Harrison made fun of me and Branson so we got my airsoft gun and shot him. Me and Branson are taking this as a victory and payback.